Thursday, August 10, 2006

Republican Values?

I found a list of 'Reasons why we are Republican' on the website. I took the liberty of responding to them, there we go:

Republican Philosophy
Dem Response:

We believe that the proper function of government is to do for the people those things that have to be done but cannot be done, or cannot be done as well, by individuals, and that the most effective government is government closest to the people.
Dem: This is something we can all agree on. You don’t have to be a Republican to believe that the Federal Government has no business butting into local issues, like they did in the Terri Schiavo case, for instance. However, talk is cheap…

We believe that good government is based on the individual and that each person's ability, dignity, freedom, and responsibility must be honored and recognized.
Dem: Once again, we can all agree with this basic tenet of democracy. Government should stand out of the way of individuals attempting to create for themselves a world of happiness. Of course, this only applies if you haven’t been declared an Enemy Combatant or Terrorist supporter while you are allowed no chance to counter the charges…

We believe that free enterprise and the encouragement of individual initiative and incentive have given this nation an economic system second to none.
Dem: We believe that up until FDR gave us the New Deal and gave Unions the ability to bargain for a share in the prosperity of the nation, our economic system was the best in the world only for the wealthiest in the nation.

We believe that sound money management should be a top priority for government.
Dem: You could never tell this was a core belief of Republicans, since they are even now borrowing money from China to fight the current War On Terror. We are borrowing five hundred billion dollars per year.

We believe in equal rights, equal justice, and equal opportunity for all.
Dem: Nothing to add here, once again this is a universal value, not a Republican value.

We believe that we must retain those principles of the past, yet always be receptive to new ideas with an outlook broad enough to accommodate thoughtful change and varying points of view.
Dem: Like the principle that you are innocent until proven guilty, or that the USA would never commit torture, or that no man is above the law…I could go on, you get the idea

We believe that Americans value and should preserve their feeling of national strength and pride, and at the same time share with people everywhere a desire for peace and freedom and the extension of human rights throughout the world.
Dem: I thought pride was a sin. They value your human rights unless you are an immigrant, Palestinian, Muslim, accused of being a Terrorist, Democrat, stem-cell scientist, or anyone that doesn’t agree with the Vice President.

Finally, we believe that the Republican Party is the best vehicle for translating these ideals into positive and successful principles of government.
Dem: Finally, we believe that Republicans have a great line of thought, but can’t seem to act up to their words. After a decade of Republican control of Congress we have record deficits, a record national debt, we are losing the war for the hearts and minds of the world’s Muslim population, there are record amounts of graft and corruption in the people’s House, there is no Check or Balance on an Executive Branch run amok, spying is being allowed, with no oversight, on US citizens, the US Army is just about destroyed, the National Guard is just about destroyed, the Army Reserve is destroyed, gasoline prices and oil company profits are at record highs…SHAMEFUL!

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